





April 19, 2018
When you choose to bring a pet in to your family, you take on many responsibilities. While good nutrition and exercise are obvious elements of your pet’s care, many owners don’t fully realise the importance of looking after their animal’s teeth. Good dental health will not only help your beloved furbaby to retain her teeth – which are essential for eating and keeping her tongue in place - for as long as possible, but it can also protect her from developing problems with her general wellbeing.​​​​​​​
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March 19, 2018
Antifreeze is a something that is often found in garages across the country, particularly in the winter months. This is because it’s main purpose is to stop the water in your vehicles engine from freezing, which can cause damage to the radiator and other components. Antifreeze also protects the engine from corrosion, aids heat transfer and prevents internal scale from building up and causing damage. ​​​​​​​
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February 19, 2018
Plenty of people like to use potpourri to add a pleasant scent to their home, particularly those who are pet parents. This is often because animals have their own, unique scents and the smell of having an animal in your home, although not necessarily unpleasant, can make home owners feel self-conscious.​​​​​​​
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January 19, 2018
Unless you have had a pet in the past, you may find that there is a lot more to caring for one than you expect. Some of the responsibilities that you have, such as feeding and washing your pet, may be obvious, but others – including proper dental care – are not. In fact, in many cases it does not occur to an inexperienced owner to brush their pet’s teeth and visit a veterinary dentist until symptoms of a problem occur. ​​​​​​​
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November 30, 2018
The idea of your pet being involved in an emergency is something that no owner wants to think about. However, accidents, injuries and sudden illnesses do occur, and they are just as likely to affect your furry friend as a human member of your family. Knowing what to do and how to be prepared is essential if you are to react calmly and get your pet the help that she needs when she needs it most.​​​​​​​
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