
The idea of your pet being involved in an emergency is something that no owner wants to think about. However, accidents, injuries and sudden illnesses do occur, and they are just as likely to affect your furry friend as a human member of your family. Knowing what to do and how to be prepared is essential if you are to react calmly and get your pet the help that she needs when she needs it most.
How do I know if it is a pet emergency?
One of the biggest challenges that many pet owners face is actually trying to establish whether what has happened constitutes the need for emergency veterinary care, or if their pet can be seen in a regular clinic. Emergency veterinary care can come at a price premium, and whilst this shouldn’t put you off seeking help if your pet really needs it, if you don’t have insurance then you don’t want to be paying out for emergency care if it is something that can wait.
There are various different issues that can be classed as a veterinary emergency, with some of the most common including the following:
- Allergic reactions
- Birthing problems
- Bite wounds
- Bleeding
- Breathing problems
- Burns
- Difficulty urinating
- Eye problems
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
- Poisoning
- Sudden inability to walk
- Trauma such as being hit by a car
If you aren’t sure if your pet needs to be seen as a matter of priority, you can normally contact your preferred vet and ask for their opinion. They will ask you a few questions to establish what is going on with your beloved baby and use this information to make a recommendation as to how quickly she needs attention.
Be prepared for a pet emergency with a first aid kit
One of the best ways that you can be prepared for a pet emergency is to have a fully stocked and accessible first aid kit. In many cases it will be necessary for you to administer some sort of emergency care even before you contact your veterinarian. For example, if your pet has been burnt you will need to get cold water on the burn immediately to minimize the damage that it causes. If you have someone with you, they can call your vet while you are administering first aid.
The things you should include in your pet’s first aid kit are not dissimilar to what you would find in your own. These include:
- Absorbent dressings
- Absorbent gauze
- Bandages
- Bottled water. This can be used to rinse eyes and wounds, cool burns and give your pet a much needed drink so that she stays hydrated while she is being treated.
- Eye wash
- Scissors for cutting dressings and tape
- Surgical tape
- Thermometer
If you have a dog, you should also leave a first aid kit in your car so that you can administer treatment if your furbaby becomes ill or injured while you are out and about.
Make sure you have insurance
Veterinary bills can be expensive, and if an emergency arises, you don’t want to feel that you have to compromise on your pet’s treatment because of the costs involved. If you have insurance in place, you can get your furbaby the help she needs without panicking about the cost.
Choose an out of hours vet
Not all veterinarians offer an out of hours service, and if your usual vet doesn’t, you will need to know the name and number of someone that does. This will mean that if your pet does suffer an emergency situation, you know exactly who to contact and won’t be searching around for somewhere to take her.
If you would like more information on how to prepare for a pet emergency, our friendly and experienced team are on hand to offer their advice. Please contact our offices to speak to us or arrange an appointment.